September 3, 2010

Soccer Mom

The other day we registered Lovie for soccer. He is so excited about it and it will be a great experience for all of us, I think. On our way back from registration, Mike made the oh so witty comment: "Now it's official. You're a soccer Mom." My response was a happy one. I am so happy that I get to be a soccer Mom because I can totally bust that myth into the water. The only thing I agree with Soccer Mom's on is being their children's #1 Fan. I am wholeheartedly behind that.

You had best believe that I will be supporting Lovie 100%. I may even make a sign. And I will of course wear his team color. I'll be rooting him on the whole time.

You will never, ever catch me in a minivan though. Nor will I ever embarass him with jorts, tube tops or the like. I will also shun from my wardrobe the soccer mom jean jumper and wooden apple necklaces.

I like to think I'm a cool, hip Mom. And if there's one thing that's for sure I love my Lovie more than anything. I can't wait to experience this with him and I look forward to being Team Mom. Orange slices and juice boxes here I come!!


Non-drifts are mid-drift tops gone awry, that found themselves on wrongful owners. Today we witnessed two such occassions - one was outside a department store and the other was IN Kroger. This epidemic isn't singularly limited to women. Oh no. Our Kroger culprit was a male. That's correct a male.

Let's start with the department store non-drift. It's warm in Richmond, yes. And I can imagine that if you are smoker it's especially warm. Tonight, Lovely was sitting outside, enjoying a smoke in her mid-drift baring black tank top. Yum. Her belly button fat roll was especially delightful. Hopefully, she wasn't dressed FOR work and was instead dressed for LEAVING work.

Next was our Kroger experience. In the meat aisle was Sexy. He was large, in a Yankees hat and shirt (oh curses!) and jorts (foul #1) with the waistband of his underwear folded over the top of his jorts waistband. You are probably asking yourself: "How does she know that?" Welp, cause his shirt didn't meet his pants that's how. And he had stretch marks on his belly. "How does she know THAT?" Cause his shirt also didn't cover his belly. Yum and YUM.

You really have to wonder if people own a mirror. Not everyone has to be a stick figure to look good, or hell even appropriate. All we really need are some pants that fit and shirt that covers the appropriate areas. Especially in public.

Non-drifts and jorts. Double whammy.

Happy Labor Day!