May 20, 2012


I had a panic attack the other day because this will be FIVE at the end of June:

How did THAT happen? Where did time go? I'm not one to get overly sentimental over age, but for some reason I just can't help but cry when I think of Lovie turning FIVE. It just seems so old I guess. He's growing up so fast I can hardly stand it.

May 9, 2012

Dreams to Reality ... in two parts

Part One - Marathon
For as long as I can remember, running a marathon has been near the top, if not at the top, of my "bucket list." Part in parcel because when I was younger my Dad ran four marathons and is responsible for getting me into running. Seeing first hand the high he experienced after he completed SUCH an incredible feat was pretty awesome to witness as a kid. And then seeing how running especially marathon training got him in incredible shape was pretty cool too. 

Last night there was an information session for the Richmond Marathon, which takes place on November 10th. I attended with hopes of it talking me out of running the marathon. But if anything, it talked me into running it even more. So, that night after talking to Mr. Nonmomjeans about how this will not only be a lifestyle change but will require an insane amount of support from him I wasn't concerned about the latter ... he's my biggest cheerleader and also he'll be Mr. Mom most Saturday mornings ... so after a resounding YES, do it and give it 100% from him ... I signed up. I'm fortunate enough to live in Richmond where there's a training team put on by Sports Backers for the Richmond Marathon. Last year it had over 11,000 participants in the program and I've heard from many whom have done the program that they met some great lifelong running buddies and most importantly, friends. The program breaks the participants into three groups: novice, intermediate and advanced. Within those groups are subgroups, each with a trainer, and you have the choice of selecting either Saturday or Sunday morning group runs. This sense of camaraderie was key for me. I'll consider the experience a success if I a.) finish and b.) make at least one friend. 

I'm nervous but an excited nervous. Like the night before I got married. Eeek! Can't wait. 

Part Two - Started Grassroots Company ... P.S. I got it covered
Those who know me well, know that having my own personal shopping business has been a dream of mine since, well, forever. So, I've started a facebook page for the company. I'll probably also have a blog until I see what happens. Since Facebook is free, I figure I have nothing to lose. Either it'll be a great success and a hit or it won't ... I'm fine with both. Right now I am not employed other than by my adorable children, so I have the time to see if it takes off or not. I'm also married to a great guy who has been nothing but encouraging of this venture since I told him what I wanted to do. 

P.S. stands for "personal shopper" and I got it covered came from the fact that currently, until need/demand is clearly defined I'm willing to shop for most anything that people hate to do/need help with. I also like the idea of it being a "P.S." at the end of a note, or the end of a conversation with a girl friend. Kinna like "P.S. I can help you with that by the way." I thought it was clever. Now I just have to find a graphic designer to put my idea for a company logo into reality. I have the design in my head so vividly ... I just need help making it reality. So, if you know of anyone who would be willing to do this gratis or on a dime, let me know!!

So, stay tuned. I'm a novice at both of these things so I'm sure I'll make some mistakes and have to find my own way. Especially with the personal shopping company, I'm sure it'll evolve over time - from mission statement to rates to what I shop for ... supply and demand. But I'm also confident that with enough passion and drive most anything can become successful!