October 18, 2012

Fall Back ...

How TRUE!! Er. Mah. Gerd.

Spring Forward.

In the Spring I decided to run a marathon. My first marathon. Something that I've always wanted to do and what better time to do it than after you've had a baby are looking for a way to get out of your post partum depression. I loved the training program, the people I met and how it immediately cleared my mind. Most of all I felt strong and athletic afterwards - neither of which I'd really ever felt before. Because I never really, like really really, trained for anything before. And then Spring turned to Summer and Summer to ...

Fall Back.

Welp. The Fall and I have never really gotten along too well. Especially, early Fall - when it's warm and leaves are on the ground and pollen and mold invade my nostrils. This marathon thing, I don't take a marathon lightly. You have to train for it. I do believe that anyone, of any size and any stature and athletic ability, can run a marathon but ... you have to train for it. Then came a couple of medical set backs that completely prohibited me from training, let alone exercising. During that time I missed a lot of the longer distance, important, training runs and catching up would be hard. I quickly realized I just can't do it. Not now. We'll see about next year, it's not off the books just yet! Since I paid for the race, I transferred my registration to the 1/2 marathon. Once I got over feeling like a quitter and completely defeated, I realized that after this year I am in need of something that I know I can accomplish and that I can do well. I'm hoping for a PR this 1/2 marathon. 

And maybe, initially, I bit off more than I could chew and now I'm where I should've been from the start.