February 2, 2017

Odds & Ends and Jon Snow

Lookit this beautiful Texas sunset!! 
While this is beautiful, it doesn't even do it justice.
They are really spectacular. This was from a few weeks ago and it was so beautiful, it was worth driving and taking the picture at the same time. Sorry, Mom. Mother Nature made me do it.

Speaking of wine! Our electric wine opener had been on the fritz for a while. She was really magical. I have never been able to open wine manually, so she had literally saved my life on multiple occasions. Then she finally died. Part of a cork got stuck in the side of her inside manual part and she just ... had enough. We got her as a shower gift back in 2010 so she had a really good run. Here's my wine "area" when she was still alive and kicking ... for those who don't know her she's on the far right (RIP Electric Wine Thingy):
I know. This picture calms me down too.
When she died, I realized life was about to get real. One night OK maybe more than one night I had my very smart husband teach me how to use the manual wine opener. He makes it all look so easy! BUT!! I'm proud to say that under his steed, this Momma has MASTERED the art of manual wine opening. In fact, we're considering putting this little guy on our insurance policy! Also, when he's not in use, doesn't he look like a parrot? 

Parrot? Or life saving device?
This still calms me. I think the crystals AND the wine, is the key.

So since:
Kids = Wine  

That brings us to Jon Snow. Mike and I are big Game of Thrones fans but, for the obvious reasons, we don't watch the show until the kids are asleep. Lately, this has been the conversation in the car: 

Abigail: Dah, let's say our alphabet!!!
Matthew: Well. Jon Snow doesn't know his alphabet.
Abigail: I know. He only says his numbers. He says his alphabet as Sunshine, sunny, sunny, sun, sunshine, sunshine, sun, sun, sun ... 
Or ...
Matthew: Abigail, what'd you learn today.
Abigail: Nothing. Like Jon Snow. He doesn't know his letters.
Or ... 
Someone at the dinner table: What was your favorite part of the day?
Abigail or Matthew: Jon Snow didn't have a favorite part of the day because he doesn't know his letters.
Or, while I was writing this blog and looking at pictures of Jon Snow ...
Matthew: Doesn't Jon Snow remind you of Uncle Michael?
I don't know why, they are so fixated on Jon Snow:  Pictured for reference 

Hellooooo, Kit Harrington!

OK OK OK OK ... So mayyybe I do know why they are so fixated on him.

Regardless, the fact that Jon Snow doesn't know his letters cracks me up. Pretty sure, at some point, Jon Snow will be our only hope. And wine ...