February 19, 2020

Pinterest ... *audible eye roll*

So. I was on Pinterest last night ... And ... I thought vaporizing shower cubes looked absolutely, mouthwatering-ly delicious and now I'm wondering if I have pica.

Ughhhhahhhhhhhhuuuuuhhhhhhahhhhhhh ...

Here's a picture of what I thought were Elsa Ice Cream Cubes or maybe on second glance, cheese??

You are correct when you are saying out loud, "But she wouldn't have even made those??" 

Yep. They looked delicious to me despite the fact that they say Vaporizing Shower Cubes in fairly large font and the tub of vapo rub behind them. Me at 11pm with no business on Pinterest was ready to pin that sh*t to my Om Nom Nom board. If you don't Pinterest that is where I keep all the recipes I will never make. 

WHAT. inTHEliteral. you know ...

But here we all are. 

Not surprisingly, I have a lot of questions about vaporizing shower cubes. For instance, how? How do they work? Do you ... set them on the floor? Which I'm sorry but that has FALL RISK written all over it. Don't even @ me on that. I've always wanted to use that phrase. Do you ... set them on a ledge? I guess so if you wanna smell like vapo rub soap all day errr'y day. Do they ... dissolve? Like? Immediately? We've learned you don't eat them. That's for damn sure. 

I feel like I could understand their purpose if they were meant for a bathtub? If they dissolved? But they look like cheese? So maybe they are dense? Would your skin get all prune-y before they dissolved? DO YOU USE MORE THAN ONE AT A TIME????!!!!!! 

Ya'll freakin Pinterest. Because here I am almost 24 hours later thinking about something that I would never buy nor make ever in the history of my life ever. 

Also, I guarantee you, this is something that they will warn us about in 20 years. They will be all, Hope you didn't make shower cubes because that stuff is so lethal and a waste of time because they kill you. And then I'll be all, Well, they, thank GOD I can't craft because here I am. Lone Survivoring it. 

Which. I guess would make me a national treasure at that point. *dusts dirt off shoulders* *fluffs shirt, pops collar* Move over, Nick Cage, there's a new national treasure in town ...