November 28, 2008

Giving Thanks

I'd like to first give a big shout out to my Mom and Dad. Without them, I'd probably be homeless, and/or living the life of Eminem and his Mom in 8 Mile. For serious. They are the best parents. I totally lucked out. Next, lets give a big round of applause to Bean. He's the best baby that ever graced this planet. I can't imagine my life without him. My life didn't start until I had him. And just when I don't think he could get any cuter, another day passes and he wins my heart over even more. He's my muffin-top-head-face-pumpkin-love and I want to eat him alive. Mad props go to stuffing. More importantly the fine folks at Betty Crocker who came up with "Stove Top." Hands down the best stuffing, keep that recipe a secret guys. Like put in a vault or something. Lets give even more props to the Pilgrims and Indians who founded Thanksgiving. Without them, we'd have nothing to do on the 3rd Thursday of November. More importantly, without them we'd have no excuse for gorging ourselves on said stuffing and apple pie and pumpkin pie and turkey, etc. You guys have made us proud. Nicely done. Can I get a what, what, for Facebook. You Facebook-inventer guy have single handedly made me into an addict. Never did I think that I could ever leave Myspace, I just could never fathom a replacement. And then, you go and make Facebook available to EVERYONE. Not just college kids. And I am hooked. Way to keep the sketch factor low on that too, Facebook guy. You done good my friend, you done good. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and goodnight to all, and to all a goodnight!!

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