December 11, 2008

It's a BIRD!, It's a PLANE!, It's a....Mirage???

Lately, my imagination has been running on some serious overtime. It's working HARD for it's money. Those of you who are my friends on Facebook know this by my status, which one night read: I keep thinking I hear a lawn mower! even tho it was Midnight. Now lately, it's my phone ringing. This is funny because my phone doesn't really ring that often. So, maybe it's my subconscious wanting it to ring, so therefore, I think it is!?! Profound! Currently, we are in the process of moving Bean and me upstairs into separate bedrooms. So, there's a floor lamp in the hallway from when'st we were painting. Whenever I walk out of my room, which is at the end of the hall, into the hallway, I think said floor lamp is a person. I've scared myself now about 4 thousand times thinking it's an intruder. All this is going on while the Thomas the Tank Engine theme song is running through my head on a constant, let me repeat CONSTANT, 24 hours a day-7 days a week, basis. Perhaps, therein lies the problem???


LeahBear said...

maybe the floor lamp should be moved to a new home too. :)

meana said...

i totally get that. there's a mailbox i drive by every night, and each time out of the corner of my eye, i think it's a person standing way too close to the curb and about to step out in front of my car. it never fails. i even prepare myself for it as i drive down the road where i pass it, but it still makes me cringe!