January 25, 2009

Great Expectations

Have you ever gone into something with these amazing expectations that this something was going to be the something to end all somethings?? And then you get there and you're expecting the something to come to you all night, but...it never does? So, I saw Slumdog Millionaire. It was a great movie. But I wanted it to be sadder. I was expecting super, duper, never seen before in the movies sad. What ended up happening was not that sad. At least not as sad as I had expected. I really wanted to cry that night. I wanted to be in there and just sob. However, Titantic, yes the one with Kate Winslet and Leo, was sadder than Slumdog. Slumdog is better all around--since you don't go into the movie knowing the outcome. But wait! That's another good point!! Titantic was still sad, like made me sob sad, even having gone into it knowing *spoiler alert* that the ship was going to sink. The root of all this "Slumdog saddness" started with Elliot from DC 101 saying on his morning show that it made HIM cry. He's the most non-crying person ever. So, I was all ramped up to think that I was FOR SURE going to sob. I would be an effing blubbering mess. And welp, if I haven't said it enough already, I wasn't. So, I need to see it again. Because now I know that I won't cry. So I won't be expecting a movie that makes me cry.

January 14, 2009

The Awful Truth

What's worse than finding out that the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy don't exist, is realizing that -Shannon, 23, Fort Worth in Cosmopolitan's "96 Things You Can Do In Bed To Make Him Stay Faithful," is not an actual person. A friend of mine enlightened me to this fact in college and just about blew my head off my shoulders. However, after thinking about it, it made sense; just like why would actual fairies want to collect teeth? How would writers for any girlie gossip or fashion magazine have the time to go out and ACTUALLY find Shannon's and Debbie's and Laura's from Fort Worth, Juno, and Detroit respectively? Especially when a majority of the magazine's writers are in NYC. And doubtful that gazillions of women are sending their sex lives via e-mail to these fashion/girlie gossip magazines so that the editors can publish them for the world to see. In fact, -Shannon, 23, Fort Worth is actually Beauty Writer: Tiffany from Cosmo Magazine in NYC.