June 18, 2010

Really? You're going to ask about that in the elevator??

I get that summer is about spending time outdoors. Often times people can tell that you did so by the golden color of your skin - or sometimes the red color if you aren't as careful. Which I guess is what I'm trying to get at. Time in the sun doesn't equal younger appearance or smaller waistlines. It may give that impression. At first. But down the line you are going to look like a 70 year old leather jacket by the age of 35. When, I ask you, has that EVER been the epitomy of cute, praytell?!? What spawned this thought process and subsequent blog is the following conversation between me and a coworker of mine in the elevator at lunch time. Me: Hey! How are you doing? Did you have a good weekend? Coworker: I'm good it was great! Me: Yeah it was so hot out - we just relaxed by the (cutoff by coworker) Coworker: Yea, you don't look like you spent ANY time outside. (coworker exits elevator) I was left a little dumbfounded by this conversation. A.) because where do my coworkers get off reminding me of the fact that I am pasty white? B.) since when is being tan at work a requirement - so what, you're going give me a lower performance review because I am not golden brown?!? Don't even. (but may not put it past them) C.) this coworker was male. Since when do guys care about tans? And! Moreover, most guys I know like young, fertile looking women. Not leather jackety, alligator skin looking 30 year olds. I have a man at home who loves me & all my pasty white glory. And if he doesn't he does a really good job of hiding it. Keep up the good work honey!

I'm baaaaack

So, I know I haven't blogged here in a while. Life got a bit crazy. What with getting involved with a serious relationship that snowballed into an engagement and now planning for a wedding in November - to managing life with a rambunctious 3 year old - to working like crazy - to exercising - and then trying to make time for Mike and I to enjoy each others company. There some days where I feel like even if I WANTED to blog I couldn't physically bring myself to do so. Now that I have realized how much I have MISSED blogging. I'm getting back into it. And I'm really excited about it. This blog will still remain the non-sensical blog about really nothing blog, and my other blog will still remain the wedding events and goings on blog. Keep coming back for more!