July 6, 2010

Vacay Dropping

First, a quick dialogue heard today in DSW:

Woman #1: You aren't getting anything?!?
Woman#2: No. I'm going to spend my money in HAWAII. Plus, those hiking boots I got last year when we went to HAWAII were perfect and so comfortable for walking on the VOLCANOES.

There are a couple of things to note here. For starters the vacay dropping. We love the fact that you've been to Hawaii at LEAST twice Woman #2, but really? In DSW? Second, I sense that someone's bitter about walking out of DSW empty handed. I mean, how can that really happen? The law of averages in that place is INSANE. They have so many shoes that it's nearly impossible to not find something. And everything is typically, always on sale. It's like a shoe Macy's - they have sales just 'cause.

What gets me is that Woman #2 was there when I got there. So, she was trying to decide what shoes to get for Hawaii for quite some time (I was there for an hour and she was in front of me in line). And I'm the most indecisive person in the world. Wait. I stand corrected. She did end up with a purchase for Hawaii - she ended up getting an umbrella. Because you'll need an umbrella MORE in Hawaii than you will a pair super cute sandals. Whatever. 

Can you imagine what this woman is like after an "all's clear" yearly. Or how she was when she found out she was preggers?? (She had her daughter with her - which is why there's the preggers comment. Daughter was very distraught that money was being saved for Hawaii, because she wanted a pair of sandals and was extremely unhappy about the decision to get an umbrella instead - wtf?!?) I bet she celebrated with a shoe-less trip to Hawaii. 

Standing behind them in line I kept to myself that I very happily found a pair of shoes that will be donned under the most beautiful dress in the world, a dress more beautiful than Hawaii - my wedding dress.

Except for now :)

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