April 19, 2011

Up to Speed

Here's what's been going in the world of Non-Momjeans since my last blog post. Yes. I realize that this was a long, long, long time ago.

I got married on November 6, 2010 and it will forever be the happiest day of my life. I think this picture captures how happy this day was VERY well.
My Mom described this picture as "ebullient" and I couldn't have said it better myself
Many people feel as though they were "born" to do whatever their chosen career path is, or to have kids, or to be a Mom, or to volunteer their time to a certain cause. I truly feel as though God put me on this planet to marry my husband. Nothing in this world has ever felt so right, was so happy, and so fulfilling. And married life, even though we have our days, is something I wouldn't trade for the world. I love my Lovie, don't get me wrong, but lets face it. There's nothing blissfully happy about childbirth.

Speaking of childbirth. Fast forward to ... December 2010 and welp. I'm pregnant.
We just found out she was a "she" on Friday, April 14
Here she is. You heard that right. We are having a little girl. Our little addition to our already chaotic family will arrive on or around September 3rd. I'm hoping for August 30th though ... as my Birthday is March 30th, Lovie's is June 30th so it'd be really cool if this one carried on the "30th" tradition too. Not to mention the fact that this summer is going to be painfully and annoyingly hot.

Happy 2.0
So, this year just so happens to be The Year of the Wedding. My brother will be getting married on May 28th:
And my best friend, Jec-Jec, will be tying the knot on October 22nd:
Doesn't she look like Carrie Underwood??
I am so happy and excited for them both!

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

Yay, I'm so happy to see you're back, I hope you keep writing so I know what's up with you!