I am a firm believer in this:
“In the end that was the choice you made, and it doesn't matter how hard it was to make it. It matters that you did.” ― Cassandra Clare, City of Glassand this:
“Let go, Let God.” ― GodWe have no control - especially when we crave control - it's simply not up to us. What is up to us, however, is making the most out of our life choices. Because in the end the decisions we make and the road we travel to reach those decisions are our choice.
Two beautiful examples:
A) Matthew
My pregnancy with Matthew was far from idyllic. Aside from the fact that pregnancy is uncomfortable, I was without a spouse or partner to go through the experience with. I was, and still am, blessed with an amazing support system of family and friends - for whom I still remain eternally grateful. Even with that support system, overall reaction to my news was very grim and sad and overall negative. These reactions weren't going to sway my decision because I made the choice to keep him and be his mommy and love him unconditionally; but perception gave the feeling that I was making the biggest mistake of my life. Fast forward to his birthday, 6/30/2007 and it was clear as day that he was one of my greatest achievements.
B) Texas
I've married an amazing, cute and smart man who has a very specific career. The need for those who can do his job is great. His job and advancement in his career is taking us to the great state of Texas. We are very excited for the opportunity but will also leave a large part of our heart in Virginia. However, the response to this news has been overwhelmingly positive. Here's an obviously bittersweet situation, but reception feels like, while it will be hard, it's the right decision.
We don't have crystal ball, this move could crash and burn - but it won't be from my attitude and outlook. It'll be because the job doesn't work out or we further advance my husband's career by moving elsewhere. I've accepted this move 100% and I'm ready for the life change and all the new experiences Texas has to offer!