March 24, 2015

Killer Bees and Spring Break

Back story: My oldest, Matthew, is TERRIFIED of bees. Paralyzingly, horrifically terrified. To abate his fear, my husband told him that in Texas, he doesn't have to worry about bees. Texas only has killer bees. Thanks, honey!!

Since The Parker's kicked off Spring Break with an exciting trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond, I was hell bent on making the rest of the week a touch more adventurous. Allow us to reflect ...

Day Two 
It was another drizzly day outside, so we needed something indoors. The Parker babies were eager and excited for a second go at the Dallas Museum of Art. I'm proud to report that they all passed with flying colors in a Do NOT Touch situation, no alarms were set off, no items went missing. 

After giggling over the prevalence of naked hineys ... and asking in non indoor voices: 
Why did people like to show their boy pips?!? 
We topped off the trip with a trolley ride through downtown Dallas. It was a great way to see the city and it was the first real, electric trolley ride for all of us! 

Highlight reel: 
Story. Of. My. Life. 


Oh look. Something for me to climb on.

Trolley ride with boo bear.

The Parker Babies in all their glory.

Day Three
The weather for the week was warm but drizzly or raining, except for this day. We had heard only good things about the Dallas Zoo, so this how that went: 

Me: Hey guys! Today, how about we go to the zoo!!??!!
Abigail: *sobbing* I don't wanna go to the zoo!!! Momma!!! I wanna go to the Art museum!!!
Matthew: *sobbing* I don't wanna go outside!! I don't want to go to the zoo!! 
Abigail: I wanna go to the art museum.
Matthew: I don't want to go to the zoo because of all the killer bees.

So, I bribed them with The art museum is closed and There aren't killer bees at the park down the street. And off we went to the park down the street because clearly everyone needed some Vitamin D. 

Pics so it's real:

Game: Find The Parker Babies

Day Four
Rain was in the forecast off and on all day. Since killer bees were imminent and art museum was still a spirited request - we went back downtown to Reunion Tower. I highly recommend it. If you have time, and no small children, have a meal at the top of the tower in Wolfgang Puck's Five Sixty. At the base of the tower is a Hyatt Regency hotel, and a slew of other restaurants. 

Dallas has a lot of random green space in the downtown areas. Outside of Reunion Tower is a beautiful plot of green grass. So, we let off some energy before getting back in the car to head home.

We all loved this outing, it was cool to get a birds eye, 360* view of Dallas, and the kids had a blast.  

Reunited and it feeeeeeelssss sooooo goooooooo-oood:

Mae pretending like she's never seen grass before.

Day Five
I can't remember a thing that we did this day. I think we stayed home, maybe went to Target and probably ate our feelings had Sweet Frog again.

All in all, killer bees didn't kill our spirit during a rainy, cloudy Spring Break. 

March 10, 2015

Spring Break - Day One

Apparently, we need more excitement. It's Spring Break down here. Because of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?!? It's not even spring; and we certainly aren't ready for a break. 

Day One
Since it was a rainy day, I thought the perfect indoor, free activity would be the Dallas Museum of Art. The kids were so excited. We were loaded up and ready to go, I plugged the address into Waze and notice the word Closed somewhere. Digging deeper at a stop light on the way ... of course. It's closed on Mondays. I don't blame them. If I were a store or establishment, I would be closed on Mondays too. Turning our frowns upside down, we went to Bed, Bath & Beyond instead. Which they were equally excited about aaahhhh childhood manipulation/innocence. 

We followed that up with a trip to Sweet Frog so that the kids can learn at a young age the following equation:

 rain = eating your feelings

You would think, three kids in, that I would have learned the valuable lesson Look Up Hours of Operation Before Loading Up. But, I guess it's true, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. 

So, guess what we're doing today ...