July 27, 2008

The Warm/Fuzzies

I think that in the history of friends, I have the best that ever existed. So, here I have this child, who turned one a month ago, and due to my procrastination and other extraneous factors, had to have his birthday a month later, and they all came out for it. Not only that, but 80% of them live 2 hours away. It makes me feel so loved, and it means a lot to me that they'd come out for Bean. So friends, I love you all soooo much, and I can't put into words how much it means to me that you came out for Bean's birthday. I just wish that we had more time to visit and I feel bad that you drove all that way for not a very long period of time. If there's anything I can do to pay you back you let me know. Love, love, love.


LeahBear said...

girl, there is no paying back for things like that! and if there WAS, i think the party favors would just about cover it. a) the bear calculator is the cutest thing EVAR. b) i'm truly impressed with the quality and effectiveness of that pencil sharpener. c) my grocery list is written on a tablet of bear-shaped paper. d) the nerds and the gummy bears are GONE.

cwgthefirst said...

Well since SJ would have had sevre separation anxiety without his other half; we had a MUCH shorter visit than I had hoped (but still very worth it). Here is the thing though you gave me sour patch kids which made me smile and say this was no accident Duckie made sure I got these, making you BFF of the year!