November 1, 2008

Do's and Don'ts of Halloween

Do: Dress up for Halloween. Wearing a costume is FUN! Don't: Wear a costume that people don't get. Like me. Tonight I went as a "Slutty Monk" and no one (except for the people I was meeting there) knew what I was. Do: Wear a random costume. Don't: Have that random costume be anything religious. These things apparently only go over well if you are under 2 years of age. Case and Point: Matthew and I wore the same costume. He got comments like "Oh my gosh! This is the best costume of the night!" I got comments like, "What are you? A sack of potatoes? With hooker boots?" Do: Meet new people at the party! Don't: Mention during conversation with these people that you have a kid. Apparently, it's a mood killer! Do: Play beer pong! Don't: Play beer pong sober ;o) Bottom line: What's cute on kids doesn't translate to adulthood and beer pong has lost it's luster. However, this may be because I was NEVER good at it.

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

i want to see slutty monk pictures!