November 4, 2008

The Night Before Christmas

The night before Christmas always gives me that butterflies in my tummy, anxious kind of feeling. Even now that I am 27. Now that I've admitted to the Universe that I am a huge dweeb, I'll proceed... On this election day, I have that same feeling. It's like I want to tell everyone "Good luck!" or "Go get 'em, Tiger!" Like it's some sporting event against a major rival. Ah! I could just burst. This is so exciting. And everyone's vote DOES matter. So, hopefully since the polls are now closed everyone did. In fact, I was so excited to vote all day. I had it all planned out: 6pm - Get Bean 6:15pm - Feed Bean 6:30pm - Bathe Bean 6:40pm - Leave to vote Of course it didn't go like that. It went more like: 6pm - Nana gets Bean 6:05pm - I get home from work 6:07pm - Nana gets home with Bean 6:10pm - 6:20pm - I'm eating a snack ( I was ravishing, OK!!) 6:20pm - 6:30pm - Bathe Bean 6:35pm - Leave to vote Ok not bad. But then I get to my polling location and I'm super excited and super nervous and they tell me "Your name is not in our system." Woah, bitch. Back up. I'm not waaaaa???? I present them with my I.D. and they go look me up in the "big computer," and lo and behold I'm not in there either. We finally realize that I am not in the system because I changed my address to Maryland when I was living there. Even though, when I moved back when I was gawd-knows-how-pregnant I got all my voting stuff taken care of with the DMV. So, I had to vote provisional. That just SOUNDS like "Your vote prolly won't get counted." Ugh. I am so frustrated!!!! Whores!!!! Moral of this story: All the more reason to hate DMV.

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

oh noooo!!!! that's terrible, i'm so sorry! hopefully they'll find you somewhere in some system!