September 3, 2010

Soccer Mom

The other day we registered Lovie for soccer. He is so excited about it and it will be a great experience for all of us, I think. On our way back from registration, Mike made the oh so witty comment: "Now it's official. You're a soccer Mom." My response was a happy one. I am so happy that I get to be a soccer Mom because I can totally bust that myth into the water. The only thing I agree with Soccer Mom's on is being their children's #1 Fan. I am wholeheartedly behind that.

You had best believe that I will be supporting Lovie 100%. I may even make a sign. And I will of course wear his team color. I'll be rooting him on the whole time.

You will never, ever catch me in a minivan though. Nor will I ever embarass him with jorts, tube tops or the like. I will also shun from my wardrobe the soccer mom jean jumper and wooden apple necklaces.

I like to think I'm a cool, hip Mom. And if there's one thing that's for sure I love my Lovie more than anything. I can't wait to experience this with him and I look forward to being Team Mom. Orange slices and juice boxes here I come!!

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

aw, yay!

Also, don't get one of those 3-D stickers that looks like somebody kicked a soccer ball into your back car window.