May 17, 2011


This is the title of the book that I am almost finished reading ... Open: An Autobiography by Andre Agassi.
Read some of the great reviews here
It's nothing short of amazing and even more amazing is how well written it is. So well written, and captivating. The only reason why I picked it up to read it is cause I wanted to donate it and thought:
Welllll, it's a signed copy that I got when I used work at Genworth. May as well read it before I give it away.
(Andre Agassi used to be a spokesperson for Genworth and played in a few tournaments that Genworth sponsored. When his book came out he sent a box to Genworth all signed - those who wanted one got a signed copy ... or in my case those who happened to walk by at the right time and love free things.)

And I haven't been able to put it down ever since. Surprisingly the book isn't really about tennis, as I expected it would be, but instead it's about getting to know who he is as a person, his emotions, his thoughts, his journey. And that person is a remarkably touching, motivated, giving and kind soul. What touches me the most is how giving of a person Andre is. I don't know why I thought that he wouldn't be, I guess because before this book:

a.) I didn't care for tennis. At. All. (and still don't), and
b.) I didn't know a lick about him - except that he's a tennis player. And was married to Brooke Sheilds. And is married to Steffi Graff.

So, essentially all I knew about him is from what I would read in People magazine. But he's a person that puts everyone else around him first, and I will never tire of reading how much someone loves, honors, appreciates and respects their wife and family. Especially when that person is a male.

And lets get one thing straight. I'm no tennis aficionado. Me liking this book is tantamount to me ASKING to watch golf on TV. Something that would never happen.

So, mostly I'm just blown away by how good it is because I was expecting quite the opposite. Shocker book of the season right here.

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