August 11, 2008

Myrtle Beach Vacation... In Three Acts

Act 1: The first day, Saturday, August 2 My family and I went to Myrtle Beach, SC for our vacation this summer. If you ever have the opportunity to go, go. There's so much to do and the beach is perfect and the waves are never offensive. Here's a peek at our first day. We took three cars down to Myrtle: the Corolla consisted of Me, my brother MBD and Bean; the Le Sabre carried Mom, Nanny and Pop; the SUV toted Dad, JCD and JCD's GF. Each car was stuffed to the gills with baggage and fun. Our car was the funnest one, of course, if you were a fly on the wall this is what you'd see The ride down was great, MBD was great company. It went fast too, mostly because my lead foot enjoyed the speed limit Once we got into SC I had to use the bathroom BAD! Everyone thought it'd be a good idea to stop at a run down gas station. The whole place was so gross, the bathroom looked as if one too many truckers got serviced by hoes and oddly enough there was a line to use said bathroom. Nasty. Here I am coming back to the car *note smile is due to almost being at destination* Needless to say, bathing in Purel occurred soon after this picture was taken. Not long after this we arrived at our resort, Mar Vista Grande, it's actually located in North Myrtle Beach, there's not as much traffic and newer resorts. We stayed in the Penthouse on the 15th floor, which I wasn't too pleased with. The only differentiator from what I can tell are the high ceilings, which I could live without. The only redeeming factor was the incredible balcony view of the ocean. Here's what our place looked like from the ocean We were all pretty tired once we arrived and unpacked the cars, so we decided to go to K&W Cafeteria. This was because my grandparents couldn't stop talking about it. Apparently, 20 or so years ago it was EXCELLENT. Now, however, it's so stale and greasy that we vowed and the grandparents agreed to never go back. The only good thing about it was Bean's high chair, it had wheels on the bottom and I pushed him really fast up and down the aisles, he loved it. The nonplused look on his face sums up our K&W experience. Here we are in front of K&W, thought I'd capture this so we can look back on it any time we need to make ourselves throw up This concludes our drive down/first day, hope it was a good one! Stay tuned for Act 2 tomorrow! Nighty, night :)


LeahBear said...

hrm, sounds... fun?

hey, how did you get that picture in the car? did Bean take it? is he already 6 feet tall??

Angela Duni Parker said...

Oddly enough, it was a lot of fun! Make lemonade out of lemons!

MBD took it, I dont know how he did it, i guess he raised the camera up to the ceiling and took it.