July 31, 2008

So much to do, so little time....

My family and I leave for vacation on Saturday at approximately 9am. We will be gone a week and it will be the most glorious week ever. However, before Saturday, i.e. Friday, there is just so much to do, that there simply aren't enough hours to accommodate. Here's what my Day looks like: Friday, August 1, 2008 To Do List: 1.) Go to work 2.) Somehow focus on work whilst at work 3.) Pick up Bean from day care 4.) Play with Bean 5.) Feed Bean 5.5) Somehow manage to administer medicine to Bean. This makes escaping from Alcatraz look easy. 6.) Give Bean a bath 7.) Put Bean to bed 8.) Iron clothes *shudder* 9.) Pack the rest of Bean's things for vacation: toys, toilettries, medicine, flotation devices 10.) Somehow pack for myself 11.) Go to Jec-Jec's birthday party must arrive before 10pm Uh. Not. Keep in mind that from #3 to #11 I have only 4 hours to accomplish all the tasks. I feel like I'm on a bad reality TV show!

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

oh well, the time will go fast at least! and before you know it you'll be on your way to flotation device heaven!