February 8, 2009

Not yet a man, but not a boy either

Guys are lucky because they look younger than they really are for quite a while. Some, in their 20's don't look a day over 14. Like today, when I went to fill my birth control pills. The little guy who took my prescription information looked to be about 14. I made life very awkward for him, read below: ManBoy: "Is this going to be all for you today?" Me: "Yes, but I have a question that I'd like to ask the pharmacist." ManBoy: "I am a pharmacy intern, how can I help you." Me: *thinking: WTF you're like 14.* "OK. I started my period today. Can I start taking my birth control pills today, or I do have to wait until my cycle is over?" ManBoy: *BLUSHING* "First you want to take two pregnancy tests 5 minutes apart..." Me: "There's no way I'm pregnant." ManBoy: "OK. Then yes. You can start taking them today." Me: "Thank you!" So, I'm pretty sure he was glad to see me leave. Until I go to pick up my PILLS and he rings me up again! Haha. And yes, he was blushing. Serves you right, manBOY!

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