February 19, 2009

Things I've Learned While Being Sick

1.) Sleep. I have a new appreciation for sleep. As well as the realization that I am grossly deprived of it. 2.) Phlegm. This is how it's spelled. And it attaches itself to every orifice of your body when you are sick. (+50 for the use of orifice.) 3.) The 3rd Hour of The Today Show. Is worthless. Kathie Lee is worthless. Why. Why. Why. 4.) If your fever gets high enough, your eye balls feel like they are going to pop out of your head. Only cure for this is sleep. 5.) Lovie. And how much it sucks not being able to give him sweet Lovie kisses. 6.) All Better. I want to be this.

1 comment:

TreeModelInc said...

Brian Williams is great, but doesn't he seem a bit cold for the Today show next to Matt Lauer?