May 11, 2011

I Heart Bethenny

Maybe it's because I'm slightly neurotic myself or maybe it's because I secretly want to be ridiculously successful, rich and thin ... but I have a serious girl crush on Bethenny Frankel. This is the first girl crush of mine that isn't due to her looks because let's face it ... by most standards she's not a gorgeous girl.
Girlfriend is a little tran-tastic ... and those jowls ...
But she says what's on her mind, makes no apologies for it, doesn't care who likes her and who doesn't and has an uber successful brand.

She's also a Mom who, thankfully also shuns the Mom-jeans. I'd love to spend a day in her closet after I lost 90 lbs. Above all else, I just find her to be entertaining. And perhaps that's all she is - entertainment. But even if that's the case, I enjoy every minute of it.

Since my husband knows 100%, first hand, how much I love her this is what he got me for our 6 month anniversary present:
Can't wait to drink it alllllllll ....

And it was perfect. And I can't wait to try it. Skinnygirl is Bethenny's line of low cal bottled margarita ... the only one of it's kind and is in such high demand that ABC Stores are rapidly selling out of it. She recently sold Skinny Girl for $120 million. Girlfriend knows what she's doing.

So, until the next season of Bethenny Ever After airs, this fan will be anxiously awaiting ...


LeahBear said...

she doesn't have jowels, she has a strong jawline! jowels are floppy!

Angela Duni Parker said...

Ah! Yes, you are correct ... thank you for your keen eye and delicious vocabulary to keep me straight. What is even more delicious is that this comment is coming from you in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. woohoo I love you!!

meana said...

i'd like to create something and sell it for $120 million. i think i have to first be a reality star... hmmmm.

Angela Duni Parker said...

Meana your life as a reality show would be very entertaining ... you always have something exciting going on! And hell if John and Kate plus 8 future train wrecks can have a show with followers none-the-less there's hope for us all!