February 19, 2015

Potty Training the Untold Truth

Ask anyone about potty training and you hear: 
You just gotta be consistent. Hang in there.
It's so much easier!
It's so much cheaper to be out of diapers/pull ups!
We skipped pull ups went straight to undies and never looked back!

So. They are all smoking crack. First of all. Second of all the only phrase that is accurate when you are physically potty training is the person who says hang in there. That person knows.

Is it cheaper? Maybe. Depends on what you're putting value on - sanity? Or cost of diapers? Pull ups are amazing. I'm a big advocate of sleep at night. I'm proud to say that we will do those at night til she's in college if we need to. It's a lot better than changing sheets because as if we need more laundry. For the LOVE!!!

This is my summary of potty training in three parts:

It's exhausting
It's like running a marathon ... To every bathroom all.day.long - but without the water stops and free t-shirt. 
Muscles hurt you didn't know you had
Let me tell you. I'm sore!! And I consider myself to be a fairly fit person. But this potty training has shown me that I don't do nearly enough squats. 
The most disgusting experience ever
I feel the need to bathe in Lysol at the end of the day. Because no child ever has to go to the bathroom before you leave the house. But the minute you are in the car, store or restaurant their little bladders magically fill up and you become very familiar with the insides of bathroom stalls. I could already provide a Zagat review of Frisco, TX bathrooms. What's cleaner? Changing a diaper in the trunk of a car? Or seeing the bottom of every pee splattered bathroom stall? Ok. So that's a bad example 😉

On a more positive note:
I'm lucky to have had an amazing pediatrician back in VA who encouraged me to not push it; that this is the one thing that is 100% up to Abigail. So, while it appears she's behind the curve in this department, she wasn't ready when I had tried to introduce it to her before. And he reassured me that this is totally normal. Now? Yes, she's almost 3 1/2 but she's let me know that she's ready because she's rocking it out. No accident yet and she's in undies all day. 

It's a long, tiring road but that's pretty much the mantra for having kids in general 😍

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