July 30, 2008

27 going on 88

I somehow twisted a few muscles in my lower back. And boy, am I in pain. I don't usually complain about much that hurts but this, this is miserable. Just leaning over to wash my hands hurts. I'm sure it has something to do with my nonexistent core muscles, also known as abs. Ugh. I have to get better about doing abs. But they are my absolute least favorite thing to do. I feel like after doing cardio for an hour that that should suffice. Perhaps it can also be attributed to the fact that I don't lift weights. My excuse there is that I lift Bean who is 26 lbs, a lot. That MUST be better than 3 sets of 12!?!?! So, sounds like I have my work cut out for me to prevent this from happening again: 1.) strengthen abs 2.) lift weights 3.) stretch more I'll check back in on this topic in a month and we'll see where I'm at!

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

girl. I know what you need. You need P90X. No. Joke.