September 20, 2008

Really? A FULL days serving of fruits AND vegetables???

So, V8 came out with this juice V8 Fuision, I don't know... a while back, I guess. Below you will see MY favorite flavor StrawberryBanana. I'm suspect on two counts:
  1. It's delicious. Especially the Strawberry/Banana. But I have to ask myself - how can this BE?!? Reason being, the whole deal with this Fusion concept is that it has fruits and veggies in it. Welp, you tell me what VEGETABLE would taste good mixed with strawberries and bananas. Exactly.
  2. It has a full days serving of fruits and vegetables in one 8oz glass. Ok. WTF. How? And if that's the case, how come it's not sold out on the shelves??? Oh. Duh, that's right. Probably because people don't think strawberry and banana mixed with a GARDEN SALAD would taste very good. Got it.
But, that being said. I've totally bought into it. The V8 empire has made a fan outta me with this Fusion business. I'll tell you what though. That s**t tastes a lot better than the reduced sodium regular V8 juice I usually drink. So, what I've learned from my own post is that garden salad mixed with strawberries and bananas really WOULD taste good!

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

Maybe algae too! Does it have algae?? I need to get me some algae.

I try really hard to drink reduced sodium regular V-8. You are correct. It does not taste fantastic at all.