September 28, 2008

A straight up Two-fer

A two-fer is a two-for-one deal. Fine, BOGO if you prefer to be hip and with it. Today is a two-fer because you, Reader, are getting TWO bloggings for the price of ONE. I've mentioned before about how I have the greatest friends in the history of the entire solar system and milky way and Continental United States of America. Well, one of my most dearest is Mrs. Bear. She is the kind of friend that doesn't come around but every one in 9,000,000 years. So you know that when you find one like her it's a real gem and you have to be sure to hold on tightly. Mrs. Bear recently had a birthday. She turned the age that starts with a 3 and ends with a 0. But you would never tell it by looking at her. She doesn't look a day over 22. Not only is she young and gorgeous, but, she can be counted on for the following:
  1. enjoying a cupcake
  2. coming to any social function
  3. being a wonderful support system
  4. loving you to pieces
  5. being the best friend possible
  6. encouraging you to push yourself
  7. always being there to listen
  8. a visit
  9. making you laff (even though she thinks she's not funny... she so is... check out her blog!)
  10. stepping in and being the "dad" when you need a Lamaze class partner
  11. Driving 2 hours at Midnight to make it for the birth of Bean
That's a pretty great friend huh?

1 comment:

LeahBear said...

*sniffle* !!!

gosh i hope no one sees me crying at work.