July 21, 2008


Like most things lately, I have a love/hate relationship with computers. Love: e-mail, blogging, spying on Myspace and Facebook, reading other's blogs, Google. Hate: Word, error messages, screen freezes, no or slow internet connection, and that they require passwords for EVERYthing. Inevitably, computers ALWAYS break or screw up or don't do what they are supposed to do when I am around them. Your computer could be working perfect. I approach and it decides it has a virus and proceeds to the blue screen of death. The IT guy who is called over acts annoyed and asks you 5 different ways, "What'd you do to break it?" After coming up with 9 million different ways of spelling your name in numbers for passwords to "fix" it, he determines that, "the only way to fix it is to get a new one." Or, Mr. Help Desk, how about throwing it out the window? Hmmmmm????? Methinks that too would solve the problem. Computers, like most men, are douche bags and I wish that I didn't rely on them (computers) so much. Dependency, especially on electronics is an epidemic, it's the Ebola of our generation. I firmly believe that there are some people out there who don't know how to communicate unless they are typing on a keypad. And, you can bet that iiiiiiiii will get matched up with THEM on an internet date, that will be missssserable and further cement the fact that iiiiiiiii am going to be BITTER and LONELY for the rest of my computer-hating life! But that's another blog for another day.

1 comment:

TreeModelInc said...

Pooters make everything work better. If you've seen Wall-E you know what technology is going towards. Love it.