July 20, 2008

The Yielder

The Yielder takes driving seriously. When they took drivers ed, not only did they pass, they took it again the next year to make sure they were still able to get a perfect score. The Yielder takes a yield sign to heart. To them it IS a yellow stop sign; and they WILL stop before merging. Nevermind that they've single handedly managed to piss of the growing line of cars behind them. For they have traffic signs to obey. The Yielder's signature trademark is going 20-30 mph when merging onto 95/495/395/66/50/288, etc. This is to ensure that they have an all clear and to be certain that no crazies are going to speed up behind them. When The Yielder is in the zone, there's no one else who matters. They have places to go and they want to be sure that their Mercury Sable/Ford Taurus, gets them there in one piece. The Yielder never goes more than 5 over the speed limit. And the rare occasion they do, it's only when on one of America's major highways. During high traffic times, The Yielder gets a thrill out of going the speed limit in the fast lane. For this is how they live dangerously. Seeing people get frantic and zipping in front of them only fuels their fire. For The Yielder is the one who will ride next to another Yielder in the next lane, so as to prohibit the crazies from passing them. Oh the thrill! Oh the fingers they will get! The Yielder lives for the Sunday morning drive. For this is THEIR time. Fire up that Mercury; The Yielder's going for a ride.

1 comment:

cwgthefirst said...

I'll have another dividend please...and maybe even a bucket of five!