July 29, 2008

Cute vs. Pretty vs. Beautiful vs. Hot

What deems people to be classified in these categories? Which one is the best and which one is the most insulting? Different women/men will have differing opinions. Whilst they are all better than being called ugly/fugly/hideous, depending on the context they are used in, however, they can be slightly insulting. Lets dig in. Cute So, when I hear a guy describe a girl as "cute", I think of a short, petite, attractive but not strikingly so, gal. Conversely, when I hear a girl call a guy this, I think of a handsome, fit, and tall guy. If a celebrity were to fall into this category immediately Kate Hudson pops into my head and for the male contingent I think of Uncle Jessie. However, being called cute can also be the most annoying "compliment" ever. What the hell does it mean???!!!??? We don't look like a teddy bear and we aren't 5! So, what gives?!? Maybe Webster can help. Let me consult: 1.attractive, esp. in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty: a cute child; a cute little apartment. 2. affectedly or mincingly pretty or clever; precious: The child has acquired some intolerably cute mannerisms. Hmm. Both refer to children in the description. Case and point. Pretty I feel that this is the most insulting of the categories to be lumped into. I get the sense that it means you are OK to look at but are pretty much dead behind the eyes. Not a lot going for you. Maybe you have an attractive face but the rest of you is hurting or vice versa. I wouldn't want to be called pretty. Pretty, as in what? A good example of a celebrity gal would be Kim Kardashian and male, Jean Claude Van Damme. Neither one of these people strike me as being the total package and, I think, would be suuuuuper boring to talk to. Webster says: 1.pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness: a pretty face. 2.(of things, places, etc.) pleasing to the eye, esp. without grandeur. Again. Case closed. Beautiful In my opinion, this is the highest honor to bestow upon someone. It denotes that they are the total package: attractive, good personality, a nice physique, etc. They take care of themselves, in other words. What girl doesn't love to hear from her boyfriend, "You look beautiful tonight," or, "To me you are the most beautiful girl in the world." Whether they mean it or not, it's nice to hear and makes you feel on top of the world. The male equivalent to this would be handsome... gentlemanly, nice, attractive, good physique etc. Beautiful celebrities include: Jennifer Connelly and Christian Bale aka My Husband. Lets see if Webbie agrees: 1.having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech. 2.Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight. Yep. He concurs. Hot This is a backhanded compliment. It preeeetty much means that you are seen as a piece of meat. You'd be good for a one-night stand and it stops and ends there. Or you are so attractive that men only fantasize about you but wouldn't dare take you home to meet Mom & Dad. These guys and girls are totally unattainable by anyone than other "Hots." The perfect celebrity example would be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Perfect. Or Fergie and Josh Duhamel. A fantasy person essentially. They exude so much sex appeal you can feel it. These guys and girls move FAST. If you are Hot and you cheat on your significant other, it's with another Hot. Webster says: Slang.
a.sexually aroused; lustful.
b.sexy; attractive.
Again, case and point. These are merely my opinions. A coworker brought up the topic the other day and got me thinking. Now, I'm sure many people who have been called any, or all, of the categories were pleased to be classified as such. However, after personally being called any or all of these throughout the years, you realize which ones have meaning and which ones are meaningless. Again, all are better than being called ugly or But-her-face pronounced Butterface.


LeahBear said...

aw, I think pretty is such a nice compliment! And, in fact, I think it's extra nice coming from a guy. "Pretty" is not a word they use often. They generally like to say "hot" I think. Hrm, this is hard to explain. I just would never ever be insulted if somebody said I was pretty! And when I call someone pretty, I really mean it! I really really do! I mean nothing else, just that they are pretty. Pretty is a nice way to be. Ok I'll shut up.

Angela Duni Parker said...

Wellll... iiii think you are beautiful!!!! My beautiful Leah Bear!

Adèle said...

Goodness-- I have an identical twin sister who is "cute" and I am called "smart". We look the same, but I'm more aggressive and tomboyish--- so cuteness seems to be more of a personality thing than a physical thing-- cute people just have a certain air of youth about them that is, by some, deemed attractive. I'm in total agreement on the rest though! But, then again, I'm still an adolescent-- so I don't really know whether I'm "cute" or "smart" or "butt-ugly" yet; I'm still "developing" mentally...