July 24, 2008

Ugh. So annoying.

I know I've written about this before, but I think due to the severity of its annoyance it deserves to be written about again. And I've never been able to write it for the whole world to see before either. Nothing is more annoying than when you're in an empty bathroom and someone comes in and uses the stall right next to yours. Why? Why do you need to do that? Do you not like to be alone? Do you get some sort of thrilllll from knowing the person on the other side of the partition is doing the exact almost same thing? It's not only annoying; it's disgusting. You can hear EVERYthing. From the sighs, to the zipper on their pants, to the toilet paper rolling and then tearing. We're not even going to go to the #2 issue. I think we all agree that's a given at this point, and is THE most disgusting part of this issue. I mean, my head just can't get wrapped around this. I'd want the stall farthest away from the one that is occupied. No bathroom separation anxiety here. Now, it's entirely one thing if all the stalls are full... It's usually so loud in there at that point that you can't hear your own thoughts much less the person next to you. But quite another if they're empty... Common courtesy says, move along ladies, mooooove along.


LeahBear said...

I totally agree.

You know what else is annoying tho? When there are only 3 stalls in a bathroom, and a person goes to the middle one. Leaving the next person with the only option of going to a stall right next to it.

And also, people who try to chat you up while you're peeing.

And grunters.

TreeModelInc said...

Anal bum covers for $1000 Trebek.